I love the show. As an individual with no business background but an entrepreneurial mindset and a drive to take my innovations to the next level, the show presents lots of food for thought for future entrepreneurs, like me. Over the last season, the show has done a commendable job of better explaining what certain acronyms or jargon term mean that might not immediately register to those like me. Now, while you still get a five star rating from me, I would like to offer a modicum of feedback. That is, I suggest avoiding prefacing phrases that could inadvertently marginalize a part of your listening base. I took issue when Josh said in episode 31 @ 00:25:00 that unless you’ve been living under a rock you probably already know what an ICO is. I’ll be quite frank, I have some very successful people in my family who are entrepreneurs and I’ve lived around business language quite a bit in my life, but I’ve never heard of an ICO and I felt like there are probably others like me who haven’t either that really don’t want to want to be put down for this. All this to say, going forward it would behoove you to avoid these sayings by exercising a little more sensitivity to the fact that you have listeners that are still learning. Try not to absentmindedly exclude them or marginalize them. Otherwise keep up the good work. Please bring back the values of the investments!!! Michael Hyatt needs to go. Hate him. No compassion. Frankly, I think business classes at all levels should require listening to this podcast. Thanks for all you are doing. Keep up the great work!!! Ari in Grand Rapids, MI.