Paul Lehmann

Paul Lehmann Profile Photo

Co-Founder/COO at AWSM Sauce

As the Taller Co-Founder and COO at AWSM Sauce, Paul Lehmann keeps the ship’s operations in check. There is no sauce packet that doesn’t have a home when Paul is in the office – he keeps tidy quarters and a zeroed-out inbox. There is also a very good chance that he holds the world record for steps taken during a phone call. Prior to founding AWSM Sauce, Paul was the Co-Director of Athletics at Westtown School for seven years. And don't forget about his illustrious 20 year backyard bbq-ing career proving that his sauces are better than your sauces.

Feb. 15, 2023

#103 Get Lost in the AWSM Sauce

AWSM Sauce founders Carl and Paul have perfected a sustainable way of making sauce. But then, they had another idea – a futuristic way of getting sauce on our plates. Will the investors see this as a two-innovations-in-one de...