Nicole Verkindt

Nicole Verkindt Profile Photo

Investor on The Pitch

Nicole Verkindt is an entrepreneur, investor and CEO. Nicole was StartUp Canada's 2019 Woman Entrepreneur Ambassador of the year, named StartUp Canada's 2017 Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, was a Dragon on CBC's "Next Gen Den", and was one of Adweek's 2018 "Toronto Brand Stars.”

June 10, 2020

#91 “If We Don’t Get the Money by Friday …”

In 2018, founder Cody Candee raised $150,000 on our show. He went on to raise over a million dollars in funding that led to extraordinary growth for his startup, Bounce . But then Cody found out the hard way that to keep grow...
June 26, 2019

Fighting the 24/7 Startup Grind

Back in 2018, Margot Schmorak pitched our investors on Hostfully. It’s a startup that ushers old-style vacation-rental companies into the digital age. Margot ginned up a lot of excitement in the room that day. But then, she h...
Sept. 26, 2018

#47 Can This Tiny Gadget Keep Kids in College?

The college dropout rate is high, and schools are paying the price... to the tune of billions of dollars every year. Marquett Burton says his education startup can help solve the problem. Will the investors agree? Today's inv...
Aug. 29, 2018

#43 Get This Party Startup in Here

Entrepreneur Julie Roth Novack says her party planning platform is exactly what event professionals have been missing. And it all hinges on a secret ingredient—something Julie calls "marketing gold". Now she just needs invest...
Aug. 22, 2018

#42 How Much Do You Trust Your Barista?

Cody Candee believes his company, Bounce, is the key to freeing us from the stuff we lug around all day. But can he convince investors that his temporary storage solution isn’t a liability disaster waiting to happen? Today's ...
Aug. 15, 2018

#41 Can This Startup Help Retailers Take on Amazon?

Amazon is on track to grab nearly HALF of all online retail sales this year. But not if Chelsie Lee’s startup Shipsi has a say in the matter. She wants to give online retailers the ability to compete, by helping them offer su...
June 13, 2018

#39 This Pitch is Damn Near Perfect

Stefan Loble wows the room with his near perfect pitch for Bluffworks, a company that makes travel-business attire. But is his compelling story enough to get investors to sign on? Today's investors are Nicole Verkindt, Michae...
June 6, 2018

#38 A Beauty Industry Veteran Goes Rogue

Tina Hedges believes the future of beauty is all-natural, organic products. But the investors aren’t sure what to make of her food-grade products for your face. Today's investors are Nicole Verkindt, Michael Hyatt, Jillian Ma...
May 30, 2018

#37 Can Tech Solve America’s Drug Crisis?

Founder David Sarabia’s experience with drug addiction inspired him to build an app, called inRecovery. It’s meant to help people who are in rehab. But can he get the rehab centers on board? Today's investors are Nicole Verki...
May 23, 2018

#36 When Two Startups Love Each Other Very Much ...

Margot Schmorak says half of all vacation rentals aren’t listed online—and she sees that as a big opportunity for her startup. But things get messy in the pitch room when Margot reveals that Hostfully comes with a little extr...
May 9, 2018

#34 Can Storytime Become Big Business?

Max Tuchman is on a roll with Caribu, an app that lets parents and kids read together virtually. But can she convince investors that early success will lead to future returns? Today's investors are Nicole Verkindt, Michael Hy...
April 11, 2018

#30 Can This Founder Reclaim Cocktail Hour?

Craft cocktails are all the rage—but they tend come with high price tags and long wait times. Swig + Swallow founder April Wachtel wants to bring the craft experience out of the bar and into your home. Today's investors are J...
April 4, 2018

#29 Could This Be the Next Airbnb?

Can Tye and Courtney Caldwell convince investors that their skills will transfer from the barbershop to the boardroom?