Neal Bloom // Interlock Capital

Neal Bloom // Interlock Capital Profile Photo

Investor on The Pitch Season 10

Neal Bloom is cofunder and Managing Partner of Interlock Capital, an early stage investment fund and community of experienced business operators. Neal previously cofounded edtech startup, scaled talent tech marketplaces and worked on the space shuttle program.

Nov. 22, 2023

#126 Handle: The Uncut Pitch

For our season 10 finale, we’re trying something crazy. We’re giving you a full pitch from start to finish with no editing whatsoever! Founder Chase Robbins presents his snack delivery business, Handle, to investors Paige Doh...
Oct. 25, 2023

#122 Wist: The Killer Use Case for VR?

Venture investors have spent the last decade searching for the killer use case for VR. Today’s founder, Andrew McHugh, thinks he’s found it with his startup, Wist. But days before Andrew gave his pitch, Apple sent shockwaves ...
Sept. 27, 2023

#120 Bevz: A Tech Bro Walks Into a Corner Store...

Jason Vego wants to disrupt an industry so old school he has to sell door to door. Yet somehow his SaaS platform for convenience stores boasts a 95% conversion rate from free trial. Another number comes up in The Pitch Room t...
Sept. 6, 2023

#117 Lotus: Hardware Hail Mary

Despite a decade in engineering at Apple, Dhaval Patel didn’t have any smart technology in his home. So he designed a ring that converts every home into a smart home – using old technology found in your typical TV remote. But...
Aug. 23, 2023

#115 Gemist: The Crown Jewel of Venture

When Madeline Fraser tried to design her engagement ring online, she was stunned to find it couldn’t be done. After bringing a cash deposit to a rando in LA, Madeline got her custom ring and, with it, a new business idea. She...
Aug. 9, 2023

Season 10: Deals, Dollars, Drama & YouTube!

We’re back for Season 10 with double the digits, double the deals, and double the drama. Your favorite investors return along with some new voices ready to shake up The Pitch Room. And for the first time ever, we’re posting n...