Margot Schmorak

Founder at Hostfully

July 1, 2020

#92 Who Did the PPP Actually Save?

We talk to three startup founders who got money from the Paycheck Protection Program and try to find out, what did the PPP money actually do?
June 26, 2019

Fighting the 24/7 Startup Grind

Back in 2018, Margot Schmorak pitched our investors on Hostfully. It’s a startup that ushers old-style vacation-rental companies into the digital age. Margot ginned up a lot of excitement in the room that day. But then, she h...
May 23, 2018

#36 When Two Startups Love Each Other Very Much ...

Margot Schmorak says half of all vacation rentals aren’t listed online—and she sees that as a big opportunity for her startup. But things get messy in the pitch room when Margot reveals that Hostfully comes with a little extr...