Where Are They Now? Episodes

What to look forward to after you've raised the money.
March 22, 2023

#108 Qleek Pt. III: A Postmortem and a Comeback

Ismail Salhi and Johanna Hartzheim, co-founders of Qleek, have been through the wringer. They first pitched their company on our show in 2017, when an investment from a listener helped bring them back from the brink. Today we...
Sept. 16, 2020

#96 A Test of Time

It was three years ago, when Claire Coder went in front of our investors to pitch Aunt Flow. At the time, her startup was a very risky bet. But now, in 2020, Claire’s business has stood the test of time. We find out just how ...
Aug. 5, 2020

#94 The Breaking Point

When gyms closed at the start of the pandemic, Kevin Allen’s at-home fitness app, Row Vigor, went gangbusters. But there was a problem -- a few lines of code were preventing Kevin from cashing in.
July 15, 2020

#93 David vs. Godzilla

When Alon Shwartz started his parental control app, UnGlue, he thought Apple would be an ally. But then Apple decided to make their own competing product and Alon was forced to go toe-to-toe with the biggest tech company in t...
June 10, 2020

#91 “If We Don’t Get the Money by Friday …”

In 2018, founder Cody Candee raised $150,000 on our show. He went on to raise over a million dollars in funding that led to extraordinary growth for his startup, Bounce . But then Cody found out the hard way that to keep grow...
April 22, 2020

How I Saved My Startup

Investors are giving founders everywhere an ultimatum: just find a way to survive the next few months. This had us concerned about the entrepreneurs who’ve been on this show. Debbie Wei Mullen pitched Copper Cow Coffee to our...
Aug. 21, 2019

When You Grow Too Fast

A little over a year ago, Xiao Wang came on the show to pitch his startup, Boundless. He told investors that his company was going to help immigrants cut through all the bureaucracy and paperwork required to get legal status....
July 17, 2019

I’ve Looked Death in the Eye

When he came on the show two years ago, Amado Guloy said his startup would change the business of animal agriculture. And the investors bought it! But since then, Amado has found himself at a crossroads between his own health...
June 26, 2019

Fighting the 24/7 Startup Grind

Back in 2018, Margot Schmorak pitched our investors on Hostfully. It’s a startup that ushers old-style vacation-rental companies into the digital age. Margot ginned up a lot of excitement in the room that day. But then, she h...
April 17, 2019

FightCamp: A Name Change, A Game Change

When Khalil Zahar and Tommy Duquette first pitched their boxing workout startup, Hykso, the investors saw a big opportunity. They wanted to know: Could Hykso be more like Peloton, an at-home cycling system that was starting t...
March 20, 2019

From Startup Novice to Veteran

After a stellar pitch on our show back in 2017 — one that got $100K in the first five minutes — founder Mike Slagh hit the ground running with his startup, Shift. In this episode, we catch up with him to find out if Shift, a ...
Feb. 6, 2019

‘It Was a Disaster’

After a failed pitch on our show back in 2017, Industrial Organic founder Amanda Weeks was ready for redemption. And she found it, to the tune of $4.2 million. Now she’s back — with a lot to say about how much she and her bus...
Jan. 9, 2019

Is the ICO Gold Rush Over?

After a frustrating round of fundraising for her company PopCom , Dawn Dickson decided that VC was broken. She opted to take a different route: an initial coin offering, or ICO. But then her best-laid plans got all mucked up ...
Dec. 5, 2018

After the Pitch: Sudden Coffee

Back in 2016, Sudden Coffee founders Joshua Zloof and Kalle Freese tried to sell the investors on their premium instant coffee. Two years later, we checked back in with Joshua and found that Sudden Coffee is still working out...
Feb. 21, 2018

#27 Qleek Pt. II: What Happened After The Pitch

The surprising story of what happened to one startup after its founders pitched to investors—and thousands of listeners.